4 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions for Creative Entrepreneurs

rikki marcone events new years resolutions creative entrepreneurs wedding floral design toronto canada

It’s that time again, time to evaluate, set new goals, and feel crappy for failing at last year’s resolutions. Cut that negativity out NOW and start thinking more realistically. You’re not going to finally start that P90X, write your autobiography, or read the Bible cover to cover. You’re busy and you’re constantly evolving. Here are my recommendations for more appropriate New Year’s resolutions for a smooth, rewarding transition into 2017.

1. Be more mindful of what you put into your body

Like clockwork, the holidays end, you look at your waistline and think, what a wonderful time to make weight loss a priority – the exact same thoughts you had last year and likely the year before that. While I would never undermine the importance of health and wellness, this resolution is often the first one that gets swept under the rug by the first weekend of the new year. Scrap that unneeded pressure – you’ve got a million things on your mind.

Instead, make an effort to be more mindful of what you are consuming and healthier trade-ups. Instead of sugar in your coffee, use honey. Instead of using cream in a recipe, try natural yogurt. Our society is NOTORIOUS for over-consuming. Be mindful that most people around the world make due with far less. Don’t up-size your beverage and don’t have bread with dinner – you’re likely already full without these. Taking small shortcuts like these may help you to lose a few pounds, feel better and more energized to focus on your busy lifestyle. You get out what you put in.

2. Stop being so hard on yourself, trust the process

The truth of the matter is, we all thought we’d be a lot farther ahead by this age. What you thought you wanted to be as a child may have evolved into something completely different and THAT’S OK! You’re ultimate happiness is the goal above all. Stop comparing yourself to others, everyone has their own unique story, advantages and disadvantages. Remember, our cities, our governments, and our societies were all built by people no smarter than you or I. You HAVE the power to make a difference – you just need a plan.

rikki marcone events new years resolutions creative entrepreneurs wedding floral design toronto canada

3. De-clutter

While each creative mind is different, I know that I find it harder to concentrate when I’m surrounded by clutter. This is especially true for entrepreneurs working from a home-office. Get rid of any inanimate objects that don’t spark an emotion or memory. And for Pete’s sake, if you haven’t worn that sweater in the past year, you ARE NOT going to wear it again. Do it a favour, give it a new home. Someone else will surely appreciate your generosity.
Image Source: These Tings Take Time

4. Connect with your soul

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle, especially after you’ve put so much energy into your start up and your business finally takes off. While this journey is an exciting one, it’s easy to lose yourself in your work. Remember who you are, your values, where you came from and who got you here. You’ve heard over and over, find time for yourself, avoid the burnout, blah blah… You think it won’t happen to you until suddenly *whoops*, it does. Find ways to connect with your soul, make time for this and actively practice. Some people find this through exercise, meditation, a reflective cup of tea. I find my zen by losing myself in a good book, cooking an extravagant meal or spending an hour with my guitar. Whatever your pastime is, find it, love it and nurture it. You are the most valuable asset you have.

rikki marcone events new years resolutions creative entrepreneurs wedding floral design toronto canadaImage Source: lord-of-hahn

Happy 2017, xo

Featured Image Source: @BY1OAK

Mother’s Day Made Easy

It’s the constant struggle every year – what to get mom for Mother’s Day? Generally speaking, her child’s health, prosperity and the promise of grandchildren is sufficient for most moms, but I think we can all do a little better than that. If your mom is anything like mine, you know the mere suggestion of buying her something throws her into a violent rage where I’m reminded to save my money, “mommy doesn’t need anything”, etc., etc. At the same time, assuming your mom is like mine, you know she deserves more than the world for all she has done for you to get you to this point. And really, who the hell doesn’t enjoy receiving gifts. Here are my top suggestions for gifts Moms will actually appreciate.

boho mom

Source: Baby Names

  1. Car Wash/Detailing Package – Because let’s face it, those Cheerios you spilled in the backseat when you were 5 are still there. Plus, if you happen to have a hunk like Clint Eastwood around, bonus eye candy for mom. Two birds, one stone.

Car Wash

Source: John R. Hamilton Collection

  1. Indoor Herb Garden – To give her something to nurture because you moved out and left her and shame on you!

Herb garden

Source: Brit + Co

  1. Home Cleaning Service – One-day or bi-weekly, whatever gives her more time to herself this summer.clean

Source: thehandmadehome.net

  1. Gift Card to Her Favourite Restaurant – Oh the ecstasy of indulging in someone else’s cooking and cleaning.REstaurant

Source: Jaime Navarro

  1. Gift Card to a Photo Studio – So she can finally put that family portrait on her mantle and/or Facebook cover photo (which you’ll have to show her how to do) because, of course, she has the most beautiful offspring on the planet.


Source: Jennifer Morrow Photography

  1. Platter with Her Favourite Treats and Booze – In my mom’s case, a cheese and prosciutto platter with Argentinian Malbec. Disclaimer: I must be present during consumption to ensure quality standards.


Source: marthastewart.com

  1. A Staycation – Perhaps with the help of siblings or dad, arrange a night away for her. Whether it be a night in the city or at a Bed & Breakfast in the country, who wouldn’t appreciate a night out with a fresh blow-dry and your dusty, fancy heels.


Source: hative.com

  1. A Day of Your Time – Tacky, yes. But mainly, mom wants to spend time with you. Lunch in the park, afternoon pottery class, let her choose. You’re basically her favourite thing in the world so anything she does with you is paradise.mom

Source: familyshare.com

May this be the 1 of 1000 lists you read this week that truly helps you with this daunting task. I’m basing my choices off my hippie, free-spirited mother, but of course, every mother is different and some of these ideas may not work for you. But really, in actuality, this is a list of all the things I want. So if you are one of my close friends or boyfriend, my birthday is in 144 days.